Exports have increased dramatically! Overseas customers find their own door! China’s used cars accelerate “going to sea”

In 2019, since China officially launched the export of second-hand cars, the number of second-hand car exports has increased year by year. Especially since the beginning of this year, the growth rate has accelerated significantly, and second-hand car dealers have also changed from going out to find business at the beginning, to today’s buyers “looking for cars”.

Overseas customers come to the door, China’s second-hand cars accelerate “going to sea”

Wang Chen, who does second-hand car export business in Taizhou, Zhejiang Province, told reporters that with the improvement of China’s independent automobile brands in the international recognition, China’s exported second-hand cars are gradually recognized by the market. Recently, more and more customers have taken the initiative to buy their cars.

In 2019, Zhejiang Taizhou became the first batch of pilot cities for second-hand car exports in the country, as the first batch of domestic traders engaged in second-hand car exports, Wang Chen told reporters that at the beginning, their company’s business volume was not large, only three employees. This year, they expanded the company, recruiting more than 20 people in one go.

According to the statistics of the China Automobile Dealers Association, in 2021, China exported a total of 15,000 second-hand cars; in the first half of this year, China’s second-hand car exports have exceeded 16,000 units. At the same time, the average unit price of China’s exported second-hand cars is also increasing significantly, from less than $5,000 in 2019 to nearly $15,000 in 2021.

The export volume of new energy used cars increased, but it was “hindered” by shipping

The reporter learned in the interview that an important factor promoting China’s second-hand car exports is the increase in the export of second-hand new energy vehicles. Taking Taizhou, Zhejiang Province as an example, new energy vehicles account for 90% of all exported second-hand cars. However, the batteries on new energy vehicles are dangerous goods, which makes the exported new energy vehicles encounter a lot of problems in transportation.

In the office of the trading company, Shi Xiaowei of the logistics department once again asked the freight forwarding company about the space of the car. In an open space not far from the company, more than 40 new energy used cars are parked.

Shi Xiaowei told reporters that the company’s second-hand cars, overseas buyers have paid for them, waiting to queue up to board the ship. However, due to the higher environmental requirements for transportation of new energy vehicles, they cannot be transported through containers like oil vehicles; At present, some shipping companies of automobile transport ships refuse to carry new energy second-hand cars, which brings great difficulties to their export transportation.

At present, China’s second-hand cars are mainly exported to some developing countries in Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Latin America and other regions. Exporters told reporters that they would pay more for routes in Eastern Europe and switch to road transport.

Ministry of Commerce: Used car export quality standards will be implemented

Second-hand car export, in addition to the problem of long-distance transportation, but also to face the different conditions of car driving habits, quality standards and other aspects of the world, how to solve these problems?

The reporter test-drove a used car, and the display screen of the central control has Chinese and English options. Compared to used cars with only Chinese one option, this used car is more popular with overseas customers. In addition to language, due to the difference in voltage and power socket at home and abroad, at present, China’s new energy second-hand vehicles need to be converted when charging after export.

Shi Lei, sales manager of second-hand cars, told reporters that different countries have their own requirements for car imports, so they will also make corresponding adjustments when exporting second-hand cars.

Experts told reporters that in view of the differences at home and abroad, the export of second-hand cars should develop in tandem with the export of new cars, and at the same time, it is very important to build a perfect after-sales service guarantee.

At present, China’s second-hand car exports are still in the initial stage of exploration. In order to standardize the export order of second-hand cars, ensure the quality of export products, and unify export testing standards. A few days ago, the Ministry of Commerce issued an announcement that the “Quality Requirements for the Export of Used Passenger Vehicles” and “The Export Quality Requirements for Second-hand Commercial Vehicles and Trailers” have been reviewed by the Ministry of Commerce, and the standards will be officially implemented on December 1, 2022.

(CCTV Finance)

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